1950s Hollywood Film Industry 


 The Name "Hollywood"

The name was coined by H. J. Whitley, who was considered as the father of Hollywood. he brought a 500-arce land to built the first Hollywood. Later, he opened the Hollywood Hotel to attract land buyers. The hotel became a internationally known and was the center of social life of the stars for many years.

Motion Picture Industry

The first Motion Picture company was held by Thomas Edison in New Jersey. Director D. W. Griffith was the first director who made a motion picture film in Hollywood, and his first 17-minute film was called In Old California.




 Hollywood Hotel 1905

 The Golden Age of Hollywood

During the golden age of Hollywood, most films were produced by the Hollywood studios, which lasted from the late 1920s to early 1960s. Five major Hollywood studios were Paramount, RKO, 20th Century Fox, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), and Warner Bros.

They owned many large theaters where they only showed the movies produced by their contracted actors. The leading men and women  in that timewere John Wayne, Betty Grable, Cary Grant, Audie Murphy, Judy Garland, Will Rogers, Mae West, Ronald Reagan, and Clark Gable.


During 1950s, Hollywood film industry was faced by several difficulties. One of the biggest threaten is the rapidly develop of television broadcasting.

Large amount of people were married, have children, and moved to the suburbs, which huge affected on the vitality of movie theaters.



Nestor Film Company

It was the first Hollywood studio that was build on October 27, 1911 which was located in Bayonne, New Jersey, and Hollywood California.



The first Academy Awards were presented in Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, which located on Hollywood Boulevard. The Best Production was given on May 16, 1929 to Wings, the Best Picture was given to Sunrise, the Best Leading Actress was given to Janet Gaynor for her roles in Seventh Heaven, Street Angel, and Sunrise, and the Best Leading Actor was given to Emil Jannings for his roles in The last Command and The way of All Fresh.

Hollywood Today

Today, Universal Studios Hollywood is a world famous theme park that was located in Universal Studios, Los Angeles. Everyday, millions of visitors would go there take a ride, watch shows, and enjoy the delicious food there. For many people, Hollywood is the essential symbol of Los Angeles.  

 Fun Facts About Hollywood

 1. Hollywood was given its name by Whitley on his honeymoon in 1886.

2. The "Hollywood" sign was put up in 1923.

3. The letters were 50ft high.

4.In 1932, an actress committed suicide by jumping off the letter H.


Top 10 Popular Hollywood stars of the 1950s

John Wayne 1. John Wayne


Jerry Lewis 2. Jerry Lewis


James Stewart 3. James Stewart


Gary Cooper 4. Gary Cooper


Dean Martin 5. Dean Martin


Bing Crosby 6. Bing Crosby


William Holden 7. William Holden


Bob Hope 8. Bob Hope


Rock Hudson 9. Rock Hudson


Glenn Ford 10. Glenn Ford